Friday, June 3, 2016

A Digital Cautionary Tale

I had been out at my Tyson studio, doing test shots with the new Fuji Xpro 2 and some new lighting set ups. It was later in the afternoon I returned home and of course it was the cocktail hour so some gin was in order on the deck with the adults supervising the Grandchildren at play. At some point deep into my G and T I decided some snacks were also required and I got a handful of these rumored to be healthy multi grain chip like octagons and remembered I had not downloaded the memory card from the shoot, after some juggling I got the memory card, the chips, the gin and headed into my digital studio for the download, I felt this a good opportunity for multi tasking and while walking, also sipped my refreshing adult drink and popped some chips in to clear the pallet so to speak, BUT, and heres the cautionary part, (we all know the dangers of the multitasking society we live), I somehow got the SD card mixed up with the multigrain octagons and put a big bite into the SD card. Not enough to puncture it or break a tooth, but it was a solid bite. Upon retrieving the card from my mouth, it was unreadable in the card reader and even using Disc Warrior or the Mac disc utility it was unreadable. It seems I cracked some part of the chip inside the SD casing. I’ve run them thru the washer and dryer before, but this was a first. Thankfully, nothing was critical on it and it was only a 16 gig generic memory card (which was replaced no questions asked by Microcenter without elaboration but it was it seems covered by the life time warranty). But the lesson was learned-Multigrain chips are bad.

Your tales from the digital world for the day, at my expense of course.


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